BiVACOR researchers in the Precinct will focus on a next-generation external device controller as part of their development of a world-first Total Artificial Heart (TAH), supported by a $750k grant from the Australian Government through its Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and Targeted Translation Research Accelerator (TTRA) program. As the company heads towards first-in-human clinical […]
International tech companies move into Precinct
A US-based company behind the world’ first rotary artificial heart (BiVACOR), and another developing a novel surgical laser technology in the San Francisco Bay area (Precise Light Surgical), have been joined by a Netherlands blockchain technology company (TYMLEZ) to base operations in the Precinct. Investment attraction incentives endorsed by City of Gold Coast, together with […]
COVID-19 therapy breakthrough just the start of RNA medicine revolution
Griffith University’s Professor Nigel McMillan, of Menzies Health Institute Queensland, is naturally excited about the experimental gene silencing anti-viral treatment he and his collaborators have developed, that has proven 99.9% effective against COVID-19 in animal studies. As he looks to begin a Phase 1 human clinical trial by the end of the year, the passionate […]