Gold Coast Health & Knowledge Precinct
Transform with us
Our GCHKP Strategic Plan 2022-27, developed through comprehensive collaboration with partners and engagement with stakeholders, will guide the Precinct’s growth and direction for the next five years.
With a vision to be ‘Internationally recognised for transforming lives through healthcare innovation, new knowledge and next generation technologies‘, our plan sets out core commitments under three key areas: Community, Curation and Commercialisation.
It sets out a range of ambitious targets including creating 3,000 new jobs, $250million in new commercial developments, $46million in annual commercial research income, and $440million in additional value-add to the Queensland economy by 2027.
It also reflects our robust governance structure that will drive our mission: Creating a highly connected, skilled and supported precinct of public and private sector partners and community members, to deliver transformation for global impact, creating the jobs of the future and diversifying the Gold Coast’s economy.
Our people are our biggest asset and key to our reputation, future development
and long-term success.
We invest in and celebrate our people with a focus on diversity and inclusion and know that we are at our best when we work together.
Our people will provide the conduits between Precinct partners and will form lasting
interdisciplinary relationships into the future.
Our Precinct will grow sustainably by progressing new public and private developments
that support the full lifecycle of industry and build community, consistent with Precinct
We will shape our future through strategic areas of excellence that combine talent,
catalyse growth and enhance reputation by delivering solutions.
Our focus is both internal and outward facing, through meaningful engagement locally, nationally and internationally.
We focus on our research, clinical and industry strengths, attracting aligned companies
and partners who share our expertise and values.
We leverage existing connections and offer distinctive value propositions for global companies, while nurturing our SMEs through creating a connected and collaborative eco-system. Working towards the goal of real world impact, we will develop and validate health and medical, modern manufacturing and sustainable energy technologies and interventions as mature enterprises that will generate both economic and societal value in the future.
Our Precinct governance has been established to provide a collaborative approach to decision-making between partners and a framework for working together at all levels to achieve our vision.
Most importantly, it has been established so that we can work together, in a clear and coordinated way, with those groups that wish to become part of our Precinct.
The Precinct Partnership Group (PPG) comprises CEO level representatives from our four partners – the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) (represented by Economic Development Queensland); City of Gold Coast; Griffith University and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.
This group sets our vision and strategy and are ambassadors for our Precinct.
The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) also comprises representatives of the four partners at a Senior Leadership level to guide implementation of the vision and strategy and provide advice on key initiatives to the PPG.
The SAG is a conduit for, and facilitates input from, other government agencies and key stakeholders.
It has a curatorial role in assessing, progressing and supporting opportunities.
The Precinct Team comprises a range of experienced people across a variety of specialties from all Precinct partners to identify investment opportunities, progress priority projects, collaborate and develop recommendations for SAG and collectively implement the Precinct’s strategy.
The Precinct Office is the ‘front door’ to our Precinct and coordinates activities amongst partners to assist businesses, developers and investors make connections in the Precinct.